Marketing PArtnerships
Are you a local business seeking a way to advertise to local families in a unique and captivating way? We are excited to partner with you!
Tune in to… Opportunity!
Liberty Ridge Radio is an in-venue entertainment system that sounds just like a real radio station – with DJ’s, great music and commercials for businesses or organizations like yours.
Liberty Ridge Radio has a great mix of upbeat, family-friendly music and can be clearly heard throughout our facility. Best of all, our visitors are guaranteed to hear your commercials because they can’t change the channel!
Let’s Start Planning!
If you don’t have a radio spot, we’ll write / produce one (1) :30 radio commercial for your business or organization at no charge.
If you already have a :30 radio commercial, you can provide it to us in an MP3 format for use on Liberty Ridge Radio at Liberty Ridge Farm. You can change the commercials as often as you desire.